Call for Abstract

5th Global Summit and Expo On Pollution Control, will be organized around the theme “Exploring New Horizons and Sustainable Technologies for Pollution Control”

Pollution Control Summit-2018 is comprised of 16 tracks and 74 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Pollution Control Summit-2018.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Environmental Pollution is the contamination of environment due to introduction of harmful pollutants into it. Environmental pollution causes adverse effects on living organisms on the earth. Environmental pollution occurs when harmful pollutants contaminate its surroundings. Environmental Pollution is one the major challenges faced by world today. Environmental pollution began due to increasing the number of industries and due to making irreparable damage to earth that is used for daily human needs. There are lot of factors causing the environmental pollution like motor vehicles, industries etc. 

  • Track 1-1Air and Soil Contamination
  • Track 1-2Water Contamination
  • Track 1-3Causes of Environmental Pollution
  • Track 1-4Environmental Pollution Regulations

Water Pollution occurs when toxic substances like chemicals, biological agents mix with water bodies like lakes, rivers, oceans etc. Water pollution consists of various toxic substances being introduced into water by human activities. There are lot of factors causing the water pollution such as chemicals like crude oils of petroleum products, Fertilizers, Chlorinated solvents, antibiotics, trihalomethanes, metals etc. Radiological and biological agents are also reason for water pollution. Water pollution effects on human being which leads to several diseases by consuming drinking polluted water, bathing or showering in polluted water, breathing the vapors from polluted water, consuming polluted food. Water pollution sometimes may causes sudden death.

  • Track 2-1Causes of Water Pollution
  • Track 2-2Water Treatment Technologies
  • Track 2-3Effect of Water Pollution
  • Track 2-4Measurement of Water Pollution

Air pollution occurs when natural and man-made substances mix in the air we breathe. There are lot of factors causing air pollution like power plants, Vehicle Emissions, Industries, Deforestation, Wood fires, Smoking, Natural processes. Air pollution causes harmful effects to environment like Acidification, Eutrophication, Ground-level ozone which causes diseases like irritation of eyes, nose and throat, respiratory diseases, headaches, nausea and allergic reactions. Long term air pollution leads to lung cancer, cardiac diseases and even it leads to damage of brain, nerves, liver and kidneys. 

  • Track 3-1Air Pollutants
  • Track 3-2Health Impacts
  • Track 3-3Vegetation
  • Track 3-4Air Pollution Regulation

Industrial Pollution happens when undesirable toxic substances are being emitted by industries or factories into environment such as into water or air or deposition on landfills.  Industrial pollution happens by the pollutants like Toxic chemicals, Industrial Consumer Products, Hazardous Waste Streams and Green House Gas Emissions, Existence number of Small Scale Industries, Degradation of Natural Resources, and Use of Outdated Technologies etc. Industrial Pollution further causes, Water Pollution, Soil Pollution, Air Pollution, Wildlife Extinction, Global Warming and Ozone Depletion etc. Industrial Pollution causes severe effects on human health including irritation of eyes, throat and respiratory tract. Heavy metals may cause poisoning to body.

  • Track 4-1Industrial Waste
  • Track 4-2Causes of Industrial Pollution
  • Track 4-3Industrial Waste Water
  • Track 4-4Industrial Pollution Regulations
  • Track 4-5Nuclear Waste

Marine pollution occurs when harmful toxic substances entered into oceans and seas. Marine pollutant can be defined as a toxic substance that contaminates the sea. Common Marine Pollutants are chemicals, small plastic beads and toxic bio matter. Usually Marine Pollution occurs by the following sources like toxic chemicals, Oil spilages, Small Particles, Human Waste, Sewage etc. Marine Pollution can be resulted to Oxygen depletion, higher acidity, choking marine life, spoiling bird’s feathers, blocking out the sun light and dangers to human health.

  • Track 5-1Causes Of Ocean Pollution
  • Track 5-2Effects of Marine Pollution
  • Track 5-3Acidification
  • Track 5-4Water Pollutants
  • Track 5-5Ocean mining

Solid waste disposal is a problem arises when solid waste dumps into environment. This problem keep continues to grow with the growth of population and increasing number of industries. There are lot of methods for solid waste management like open burning; dumping into sea, incineration, composting, Hog feeding, salvaging etc. solid waste disposal is the major source in the water sector contributes the time series varying from 87% to 57%. There are some methods to reduce the waste to save environment viz. resource recovery, recycling.

  • Track 6-1Disposal Methods
  • Track 6-2Types of Solid Waste
  • Track 6-3Resource Recovery
  • Track 6-4Landfill
  • Track 6-5Recycling

Waste Management is the process of treating solid waste into useful products by recycling process. It’s the process of how trash can be used as a valuable resource. Waste Management is useful for each and every household and business owner in their daily routine life. There are various methods of waste disposal viz. Landfills, Incineration, Recovery and Recycling, Plasma Gasification, Composting, Waste Energy, Waste Minimization etc.

  • Track 7-1Mechanical and biological waste treatment
  • Track 7-2Recovery and Recycling
  • Track 7-3Methods of Waste Disposal
  • Track 7-4Energy Recovery

Hazardous or toxic air pollutants are the pollutants that cause cancer or other serious effects on health. There are broadly two types of pollution sources they are Point sources and non-point sources. Point sources are those where pollution load can be measured; examples like industrial effluents, municipal sewage, sewage pumping stations and trade effluents from industries. Non-point sources are those sources run-off from agricultural fields carrying chemicals and fertilizers etc. 

  • Track 8-1Mobile Sources
  • Track 8-2Indoor Sources
  • Track 8-3Hazardous wastes
  • Track 8-4Nuclear waste
  • Track 8-5Petrochemical plants

Pollution Control technologies are used to control the pollution causes by natural and human made sources. Pollution Control is needed to preserve the precious environmental resources to improve environmental quality. There are lot of pollution control sources are available viz. usage of wireless sensors, Nanotechnology methodologies, and laser methods, usage of chemical methods, bag filters and air ventilation techniques. 

  • Track 9-1Wireless Sensors
  • Track 9-2Laser Methods
  • Track 9-3Chemical Methods
  • Track 9-4Air ventilation

Bioenergy is the energy originated from materials derived from biological sources. Bioenergy makes from many natural resources like plants, animals and their by-products. Bioenergy was well known few years ago. Biofuels can be derived from agricultural crops, conventional food plants or from special energy crops. The reasons why we need bio fuels is that biofuel can be used in today’s engines of vehicles infrastructures and vehicles without the need to make changes. Biofuels can be stored and burned and pumped the same way as petroleum and diesel. There are basic types of biofuels viz. Ethanol, Biodiesel, Methanol, Biobutanol etc.

  • Track 10-1Renewable Energy
  • Track 10-2Biodiesel
  • Track 10-3Biorefineries
  • Track 10-4Biomass
  • Track 10-5Biogas
  • Track 10-6Sustainable Energy
  • Track 11-1Global Sustainable Development Goals
  • Track 11-2Environmental Dimensions
  • Track 11-3Economic Dimensions
  • Track 11-4Social Dimensions

Pollution can cause severe adverse effects to environment Pollution increases the risk of respiratory and heart diseases. When People are being exposed to more harmful UV rays that have increased the occurrence of cancer among people. In the long run, it can also make people get lung cancer, skin cancer etc. Some of the biggest causes of air pollution are cars, motorized vehicles, industries, etc. Due to Pollution people may suffer from diseases like respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, throat inflammation, skin irritation and rashes and other neurological problems.

  • Track 12-1Air Pollution
  • Track 12-2Water Pollution
  • Track 12-3Respiratory Diseases
  • Track 12-4Skin Diseases
  • Track 12-5Cardiac Diseases

Climate Change is the biggest environmental challenge of our time it is already affecting our climate, agriculture, native ecosystem, and infrastructure. Climate change may also define as the change in average weather condition. It is generally caused by the factor such as: biotic process variation in solar radiation, volcanic eruption. Certain human activities have been identified as a primary cause of climate change

  • Track 13-1Oceans & Climate Change
  • Track 13-2Climate Change Economics
  • Track 13-3Climate Hazards
  • Track 13-4Risks of Climate Change
  • Track 13-5Climate Change & Climatology

Global Warming is the current increase in temperature of Earth’s surface both land and water as well as atmosphere. In the past, when the earth experienced a high temperature it was the result of natural causes, but today is being caused by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which is produced by the humans activities. Since the industrial revolution human activities have significantly enhanced the cause of greenhouse gases causing the rise of earth average temperature. So global warming adversely affects many places around the world. It’s increasing the melting of ice sheets, glacier which is causing average rise in sea level. It’s also changing the weather patterns in many different places. These changes have affected both nature and human societies.

  • Track 14-1Ozone Depletion
  • Track 14-2Greenhouse Effect
  • Track 14-3Carbon Cycle
  • Track 14-4Deforestation
  • Track 14-5Ecosystem

Noise Pollution, generally affects both health & behaviour. Unwanted sound or noise can damage psychological health. It can cause several harmful effects like: hypertension, high stress levels, hearing loss, and sleep disturbance. High noise levels can contribute to cardiovascular effects in humans and an increased incidence of many coronary artery diseases, so noise pollution has become a serious problem of human health. The sound comes under noise pollution makes the mind turbulent or restless. The United Nation consider the sound of  45 decibels ideal for cities, but measurement of sound in most big cities exceeds 90 decibels.

  • Track 15-1Sources of Noise Pollution
  • Track 15-2Noise Mitigation
  • Track 15-3Health Impacts
  • Track 15-4Regulation of Noise Pollution

Alternative energy typically comes from the natural resources. The energy resources are renewable and might be naturally replenished. Alternative Energy utilizes energy sources that are promptly obtainable everywhere the planet together with in rural and remote areas. Over the years, waste management had created investments to place the waste to reuse for its use of energy resource. In some case its relates to exercise, whereas in alternative cases suggests that making energy. The method is noted for its potential to mitigate global warming fruitfully. Waste Management offers in-house experience, wherever powerhouse construction has been developed, instrumentality maintenance, operation and energy promoting. Hence, waste management contains a property goal to get enough renewable energy to power the houses.

  • Track 16-1Green Nanotechnology
  • Track 16-2Green Energy
  • Track 16-3Renewable Energy
  • Track 16-4Green Architecture
  • Track 16-5Solar Energy