Takeshi Suzuki
Kobe University,Japan
Title: The effect of coal bottom ash as revegetation substrate on revegetation woody plants and environment –pilot scale experiment-
Biography: Takeshi Suzuki
Coal ash is a major waste by-product of coal incineration in coal-fired power stations throughout the world. The annual generation of coal ash have been increased in the world. However, only half of the coal ash is applied efficiently. The objective of this study is to confirm that coal bottom ash can use substrate of revegetation woody plant as a pilot experiment.
10 species of tree seedling were grow in granite soil (GS) with bark compost (BC) (control), GS + coal bottom ash (CBA) with BC (CBA1), CBA with BC (CBA2), and 100% CBA (CBA3) for 3 years. Each experimental dimension is 6m × 6m with 0.5m height and lysimeters were placed under the substrate to measure various elements out of each experimental system. Each growth rate of woody plant was measured every 6 month and B, Ca, Mg, P, Al, Fe, Si, Mn, K, As, Na, Cu, F Cl, SO4, NO3 concentration of leachate collected from lysimeter were measured.
From the physical and chemical properties of the substrates, they were suitable for growth of woody plant. The leaching tests of the substrate made from coal bottom ash were below Japanese legal standard. The growth rate of a few species of woody plant grown in CBA3 was smaller than those in other substrate. Although, As B, Ca, K, Mg P concentrations of leachate from CBA2, CBA3 were larger than those of control, the concentrations of As and B were less than those of Japnese legal standard.