Radha Goyal
Deputy Director of IPCA
GGS Indraprastha University
Dr. Radha Goyal is currently working as Deputy Director, Indian Pollution Control Association (IPCA) and associated with IPCA as a member since its origin in year 2001. Her work responsibilities are to handle all research related activities of organization, writing and submission of proposals, research papers, DPRs etc. in areas of waste management, air quality and health assessment. she is also responsible for writing other publications of organization including, annual report and news letter. Before this, she was working as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi (May 2014 to October 2015), where she was working on development of dose-response relationship for PM2.5 concentrations for different population groups in Delhi City. She has also worked as Scientist Fellow at National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Delhi Zonal Centre for three years.Goyal is the member of many prestigious organizations, like Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association (IASTA) Mumbai, Indian Science Congress, Tata Institute of Social Science and Health, Indian Pollution Control Association (IPCA), New Delhi etc. She is the peer reviewer of international journals of "Building and Environment"; "Atmospheric Environment" "Environmental Monitoring and Assessment" Air Quality, "Atmosphere and Health"; Aerosols and Air Quality Research etc. She is also involved in many multi -institutional projects as an expert member for e.g. Indo-US project on "Microbial Risk Assessment" under Obama -Singh Initiative between IIT Delhi and Drexel University, USA, in which she is playing a key role in designing the course for Air Microbial Risk Assessment.
Research Interest
Environmental sciences, Pollution control