Claudio Verzegnassi Claudio Verzegnassi
AMeC-Association Medicine and Complexity, Trieste, Italy
1964 University degree in Theoretical Physics, University of Trieste, Italy01/11/1965---31/10/1983 stabilized professor, University of Trieste, dept. of Theoretical Physics 01/11/1983---31/10/1994 associated professor, University of Trieste, dept. of Theoretical Physics 01/05/1988---31/08/1989 CERN, Geneva, Politechnic of Engeneering 01/09/2013---today researcher, AMeC-Association Medicine and Complexity, Trieste, ItalyPUBLICATIONS 202 papers in International reviews with referee on High Energy Elementary Particle Physics, The Physics of Z and W bosons- C Verzegnassi, R, Tenchini, book PRESENTATIONS Many presentations at international Physics conferences around the world.
Abstract : Possible positive magnetic effects on EZwater in human organism